CANCELLED: Friends of Knox Farm State Park Virtual Astronomy Presentation

  • Registration Closed

This program has been cancelled. Registrants will receive a full refund. We apologize for any inconvenience or disappointment. Contact us at with any questions or concerns.

This 1-hour virtual program with the Friends of Knox Farm State Park and the Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP) will get you ready for the Perseid Meteor Shower viewing event at Knox Farm State Park in August. 

ASP Astronomy Educator for Online Learning Tony Smith will share a virtual, planetarium style presentation showing the stars, constellations, sights of the August sky, and what to expect during the Perseid Meteor Shower. This program will be virtual using the Zoom video conference software and is meant to complement the Friends of Knox Farm State Park's in-person viewing event on August 9th.

Attendance/Refund Policy

A full refund is available for cancellations up to the start of the program. If you need to cancel please email We encourage you to attend live but a recording will be made available to those who are registered.

