Eclipse Ambassadors Training

  • Registration Closed

Registration is now closed. This virtual training will prepare you and your Eclipse Ambassador partner to plan and host events to spread the excitement about the upcoming solar eclipses in your local community. We'll cover eclipse science, safe solar viewing techniques, inclusive and engaging communication strategies, and event planning. The training is self-paced, and includes two 90-minute recordings of Live Sessions that were held via Zoom earlier in the program. The deadline has passed for requesting a toolkit and an official Eclipse Ambassadors Badge.


Getting Started
Ethics and Representation Commitment Acknowledgement
Agree to terms to continue.
Agree to terms to continue. Click the grey button to the right to open the instructions window and read and agree to the Eclipse Ambassadors Ethics and Representation Agreement.
Verification Code
Enter code to continue.
Enter code to continue. Enter the verification code given at the end of the Eclipse Ambassadors Ethics and Representation Commitment form from the previous step in the box at the right. THIS IS MANADORY TO CONTINUE AS A NASA PARTNER ECLIPSE AMBASSADOR.
Photo & Bio
Add a photo and bio to your Learn@ASP account.
Pre-Training Survey
Please complete this survey which has 10 questions and will take about 10 minutes to complete.
Connect with Your Partner
Reach out to your partner to schedule a time to meet on a call or in person to get to know each other and develop a plan for your partnership and your outreach events. Click the "Read Instructions" button, even if you do not have a partner, for more detailed instructions.
Partnership Planning Survey
9 Questions
9 Questions Tell us about yourself and your partner. If you do not have a partner, please enter your first and last name and then write “N/A” in answer to the rest of the questions.
Session 1: Building Your Partnership (available after completing above tasks)
Session 1: Building Your Partnership
Open to view video.  |  70 minutes
Open to view video.  |  70 minutes Watch this recording of Session 1: Building Your Partnership. Click the View Video button to the right to watch. You must watch the whole video in order to proceed. Be sure to note the attendance verification code at the end. You will need this to move forward with the training. In this format we do not have a way to make the chat from the original Zoom session available. The recording skips the breakout room portions of the original live session, but we encourage you to consider the discussion prompts on your own or with your EA partner. NOTE: The deadline to request your Eclipse Ambassadors Toolkit has passed. 100 eclipse viewers will be included with Eclipse Ambassadors Badges while supplies last however. Requesting your badge is the final step in the training. The deadline to request a badge is 12pm Pacific Time on Monday, March 18.
Attendance Verification Code for Live Session #1
Enter code to continue.
Enter code to continue. The attendance code is provided at the end of Session 1. Enter that code in the box at the right to verify your attendance and mark this task as complete.
Module 1: Moon Observations & Lunar Phases (available after Live Session #1)
Module 1 Overview
Read this brief overview to get started with Module 1: Moon Observations & Lunar Phases
Lunar Phases and Eclipses
Read through two NASA webpages about lunar phases and eclipses
Daytime Moon
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource. Try out this model of Moon phases using a ball from your toolkit, outside at a time when the Moon is visible in the daytime sky. Download the instructions to get started. Note: If you have many days of cloud cover or the Moon is in the wrong phase to see it in the daytime, you can move on with the training (ie don't let that hold up your progress!), but be sure to come back and try it again when you have clear skies and a good view of the Moon in the daytime sky.
Moon Observations Guide (optional)
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource. Download and review this Moon Observations Guide, and use it to guide you in observing the Moon at least three times per week for a full lunar cycle (4 weeks). This guide will help you notice the connection between lunar phases and solar eclipses. You do not need to complete these observations in order to advance through the training, but we strongly recommend this exercise, especially if you are somewhat new to astronomy or have never observed a full lunar cycle on a daily basis.
Module 2: Eclipse Science & Safe Solar Viewing (available after Live Session #1)
Module 2 Overview
Read this brief overview to get started with Module 2: Eclipse Science & Safe Solar Viewing
Video: Eclipse Science
Open to view video.  |  22 minutes
Open to view video.  |  22 minutes Dr. Angela Speck, Professor of Physics & Astronomy at the University of Texas at San Antonio gives an overview of why, when, and where we can see solar eclipses during a plenary talk at the ASP virtual conference in December 2022. This video is 22 minutes long. If you'd like to watch more videos about eclipses, check out the video section in the resource tab.
Safe Solar Observing
Recorded 04/06/2023
Recorded 04/06/2023 Read through this webpage, "How To View a Solar Eclipse Safely" from the American Astronomical Society, for thorough guidance on how you and your event participants can safely observe the Sun.
Scale Model Activities
Try setting up two scale models from your toolkit: the Solar Pizza, and the Earth / Moon balls.
Yardstick Eclipse Model
Try out this popular eclipse model, ideally outside on a sunny day, but it will also work indoors with a bright light.
Module 3: Inclusive Public Engagement (available after Live Session #1)
Module 3 Overview
Read this brief overview to get started with Module 3: Inclusive Public Engagement
"Confidence & Curiosity" Video Series
Watch a series of five short videos (4 to 5 minutes each) about a few small changes can make a big difference in how welcome guests feel at an event! While these videos focus on making astronomy events more welcoming to girls, the techniques they share actually make events more inclusive for anyone who might feel excluded from science.
Invitations to Participate & Questioning Strategies
Together with your partner, practice some simple, well tested techniques for engaging with visitors at your eclipse events.
Module 4: Event Planning (available after Live Session #1)
Module 4 Overview
Read this brief overview to get started with Module 4: Event Planning
Ideas for Eclipse Events
Download and read a guide for planning for the upcoming solar eclipses.
Event Planning Guide
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource. Download this document for instructions about how to reach out to community organizations who may be interested in partnering with you to host eclipse events. It includes a template for your first email contact and a timeline for planning your events.
Event Plan - Worksheet Download
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource. Download the Event Plan worksheet and fill it out together with your partner. Both you and your partner should upload the same completed worksheet to submit the assignment, after you attend Live Session #2: Planning Your Eclipse Events. We will cover some materials during that session that may inform your replies to the questions in this worksheet. Submitting this completed worksheet will be your final step in the Eclipse Ambassadors Training.
Session 2: Planning Your Eclipse Events (available after completing modules 1-4)
Self-Paced Modules Survey
4 Questions
4 Questions Fill out this survey reflecting on what your experienced with the self-paced modules.
Session 2: Planning Your Eclipse Events
Open to view video.  |   Closed captions available  |  80 minutes
Open to view video.  |   Closed captions available  |  80 minutes Watch this recording of Session 2: Planning Your Eclipse Events. Click the View Video button to the right to watch. You must watch the whole video in order to proceed. Be sure to note the attendance verification code at the end. Note that in this format we do not have a way to make the chat from the original Zoom session available.
Attendance Verification Code for Live Session #2
Enter code to continue.
Enter code to continue. You will receive a code during the live session. Enter that code in the box at the right to verify your attendance and mark this task as complete.
Final Steps (available after Live Session #2)
Submit your Event Plan Worksheet
Upload 1 files to pass.
Upload 1 files to pass. Upload your completed Event Plan Worksheet. You and your partner worked on this together, but you should each submit a copy of the worksheet separately for tracking purposes.
Post-Training Survey
Post-Training Survey
Post-Training Survey Please complete this survey which has 18 questions and will take about 20 minutes to complete.
Event Report Form
Click the button on the right to read instructions for submitting your event report. Reports will be accepted until May 31, 2024.